2025 City of Plano Economic Business Survey
We appreciate your continued commitment and investment in the City of Plano. Your hard work and dedication contribute to the vibrancy and growth of our entire city. This letter is a request for your assistance in shaping current and future initiatives and resources aimed at fostering a thriving business environment.
In our ongoing efforts to better understand and address the needs of our business community, we are conducting a survey to gather insights from existing Plano companies. Our goal is to make sure that Plano’s programs are aligned with the needs of our business community. We need your input to do this.
We realize the survey takes some time to complete but every question is important. It should take you no longer than 10 minutes to work through the full survey. The time you invest in the survey will influence many of the decisions that will be made about the City’s future. Your responses will also allow City leadership to identify and address many of the opportunities and challenges facing our business community.
Please complete your survey sometime during the next week if possible. Your responses will remain confidential.
If you have questions about this survey, please contact Doug McDonald, Director of Economic Development at 972-208-8302. Thank you for your commitment to the Plano community and for taking the time to help us continue to be the City of Excellence.